As part of DSW’s on-going efforts to enhance the way we do business with our suppliers, DSW is actively urging you to switch to electronic invoicing with Tungsten Network. The changes DSW are implementing will see the end of paper as the way of receiving and managing Accounts Payable, with electronic invoicing becoming the standard.
We are partnering with Tungsten Network, the global electronic invoicing platform, which will allow our suppliers to easily benefit from electronic invoicing directly from their existing billing systems.
Your participation is vital to ensuring that DSW can offer the most efficient and highest quality invoice processing possible, while moving to a paperless invoice processing environment in account payable.
What it means for you
By joining Tungsten Network, you will experience greater efficiencies from DSW’s Accounts Payable department. This initiative is key to our strategy moving forward and we are confident you will see significant benefits to your business.
One e-Invoicing network, two solutions

The Tungsten Network Integrated Invoice Solution is recommended for users who send a high volume of invoices.
- Send directly from your accounting system
- Invoice status updates & email notifications
- Send yourself copies of the invoices and create custom reports
- Customer Connect
Web Form
The Tungsten Network Web Form Invoice Solution is recommended for users who send a low volume of invoices.
- 52 free invoices annually
- Send invoices through the Tungsten Portal
- Invoice status updates & email notifications
- Send yourself copies of the invoices and create custom reports
- Customer Connect
How do I know my Invoice/Invoice File was successfully delivered to DSW by Tungsten?
- Tungsten sends an e-mail confirmation to you informing whether the invoice/invoice file has been accepted by Tungsten for transmission to DSW.
- Tungsten assigns a transaction number for every successful submission to Tungsten. (This 15 digit transaction ID is unique for every invoice submitted through Tungsten and begins with AAA, example: AAA000001234567.)
What data must be included on the invoices when submitted via Tungsten?
Suppliers should not send duplicate paper invoices. Tungsten acknowledges safe processing and delivery of all invoices and credits processed to an email address of your choice.
DSW will require the following information for each electronic invoice:
- Prepare only ONE invoice per Purchase Order, per shipment / service. Shipments made directly to store locations should be billed, by store, including the applicable store number. Services performed at the store locations should include the store location and store number.
- Payments will not be generated based on statements, proposals, or estimates.
- DSW purchase order number
- Your DSW vendor number (must be included in the vendor address section of the invoice. The Tungsten representative will provide this number, or simply confirm.
- Invoice number (please use non-repetitive, unique numbers)
- Invoice date (i.e. shipment/service)
- Item detail as per purchase order (if applicable, including terms)
- Description
- Size
- Quantity of items invoiced by line
- Cost per item involved
- Unit of measure/breakdown for each item invoiced (ex. Box,carton)
- Service description
- Remit to address, city, state, and zip code
- Ship to location, including address, city, state, and zipcode
- Tax amount
- Ship to date