Welcome to electronic invoicing for USG and CGC
As part of USG and CGC's on-going efforts to enhance the way we do business with our suppliers, USG and CGC are actively urging you to switch to electronic invoicing with Tungsten Network.
As part of USG and CGC's on-going efforts to enhance the way we do business with our suppliers, USG and CGC are actively urging you to switch to electronic invoicing with Tungsten Network.
Our Integrated Solution is designed for organisations that send a high volume of invoices. It offers a fully automated process that extracts invoice data directly from your billing system and delivers it directly into your buyers’ finance systems. We then process, translate, enrich and validate the data before delivering your invoice directly to your Buyers in any country in the world.
To learn more about our Integrated Solution, or register an account, connect with a Tungsten Sales representative at [email protected].