
Potential e-invoicing mandate

The adoption of e-invoicing across Europe is gaining some momentum. There are indications that Bulgaria has been influenced by countries in close proximity and intends to introduce an e-invoicing mandate for B2B transactions.

Authorities in Bulgaria are holding public consultations, and e-invoicing is being considered amongst other digital VAT-related incentives.

At the moment, the proposal to introduce e-invoicing has not yet been crafted into law. However, this does demonstrate the inclination of countries to digitalise their tax-related processes for a more automated and efficient framework of their fiscal operations.

Tungsten Network is compliant in Bulgaria, and we will closely monitor growing e-invoicing impetus in the country.

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Browse Bulgaria updates

Revised tax VAT rates
  • Informationen zu Mehrwertsteuer-/G(S)ST-Sätzen
Potential e-invoicing mandate
  • Informationen zu Mandaten
VAT rate changes to combat rising inflation
  • Informationen zu Mehrwertsteuer-/G(S)ST-Sätzen
Zero-rate VAT applied to certain products
  • Informationen zu Mehrwertsteuer-/G(S)ST-Sätzen
Extension of 9% reduced rate for certain products
  • Informationen zu Mehrwertsteuer-/G(S)ST-Sätzen
Concept of real-time reporting
  • Informationen zu Mandaten