
MyData- automatic VAT rebates

The Greek MyData platform went live in October 2021 as a mandatory tax reporting requirement, driven by the need to combat VAT fraud.
The Greek government is striving for enhanced automation of the MyData system. Most Greek businesses will now receive any VAT rebates automatically in a shorter period of time- without the need for tax officials to be involved in the process.
There will be a few exceptions- such as companies with repeated past violations, or high-value rebates- which will need to be subject to additional monitoring. However, this shows the Greek Government’s intention to streamline the VAT rebate process and create a more automated MyData platform- resulting in increased convenience for customers and a more customer-friendly solution.

Compliance ist kompliziert

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Browse Greece updates

Timeline for B2G e-invoicing
  • Informationen zu Mandaten
Tax rate changes from 1st July 2022
  • Informationen zu Mehrwertsteuer-/G(S)ST-Sätzen
Partial B2G mandate
  • Informationen zu Mandaten
Further extension of VAT rates on certain products
  • Informationen zu Mehrwertsteuer-/G(S)ST-Sätzen
Extension of reduced rate for certain items
  • Informationen zu Mehrwertsteuer-/G(S)ST-Sätzen
MyData- automatic VAT rebates
  • Informationen zu Mandaten
Upcoming MyData changes
  • Informationen zu Mandaten
Verlängerung des reduzierten Mehrwertsteuersatzes
  • Informationen zu Mehrwertsteuer-/G(S)ST-Sätzen