
Timeline for B2G e-invoicing

Greece has published a timeline to implement B2G e-invoicing in the country in line with the following: 

  • As of 1 January 2024, suppliers to all central government agencies will be in scope 
  • From 1 June 2024 suppliers to all other government authorities will be scope 
  • From 1 January 2025, other government expenses must be invoiced electronically 

The official communication in respect of the same in the Government Gazette can be found here: 


You can read more about Greece on our dedicated country-specific page here. 

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Browse Greece updates

Timeline for B2G e-invoicing
  • Informationen zu Mandaten
Tax rate changes from 1st July 2022
  • Informationen zu Mehrwertsteuer-/G(S)ST-Sätzen
Partial B2G mandate
  • Informationen zu Mandaten
Further extension of VAT rates on certain products
  • Informationen zu Mehrwertsteuer-/G(S)ST-Sätzen
Extension of reduced rate for certain items
  • Informationen zu Mehrwertsteuer-/G(S)ST-Sätzen
MyData- automatic VAT rebates
  • Informationen zu Mandaten
Upcoming MyData changes
  • Informationen zu Mandaten
Verlängerung des reduzierten Mehrwertsteuersatzes
  • Informationen zu Mehrwertsteuer-/G(S)ST-Sätzen