Modell für E-Invoicing
  • B2G: Centralized/Peppol
  • B2B: Post-Audit
  • From 2022, KSeF Voluntary
  • From 2023 Centralized, KSeF Mandatory
Pflichtformat der Datei:
  • B2G: EN compatible
  • B2B: N/A
  • From 2024: Only FA_VAT (XML)
Anforderungen für B2G:
  • PeF/Peppol
Anforderungen für die Archivierung
  • 5 Year Period
Elektronische Unterschrift
  • Nicht erforderlich


The Polish Ministry of Finance will implement mandatory e-invoicing in 2024. After this mandate goes live all affected invoices will need to sent, cleared, and recieved through the Polish e-invoicing system, the Krajowy System e-Faktur (KSEF) to be compliant.

Die Nichteinhaltung dieser, ob absichtlich oder nicht, kann zu erheblichen Geldstrafen, Betriebsunterbrechungen und Schädigung der Reputation führen.



  • Informationen zu Mandaten
Mandatory e-invoicing legislation approved Though the Polish e-invoicing legislative process has been an extensive one, to date it has not been subject to significant resistance in the Polish Parliament, the Sejm.   Despite this, Senators in the Lower House rejected the mandatory e-invoicing legislation in Poland. While ostensibly perceived as an obstruction, the rejection was attributed to political fractures between the higher Senate and Sejm Chambers rather than pertaining to the actual legislative content. This was not expected to impede the e-invoicing legislative progress, and the legislation will now proceed to the Upper House, which holds the prerogative to overrule the Lower Chambers.   The law has subsequently been passed and will now proceed to the President for final signature.   Kofax looks forward to analysing the final Polish e-invoicing legislation, which is expected in Q4 2023. Major revisions to the current legislation are not expected, alongside the final FA2 schema, which also presented minimum amendments.     


  • Informationen zu Mandaten
New e-invoicing mobile application While implementing the Polish e-invoicing mandate, the Polish government will have been acutely aware of the need to construct a system that efficiently facilitates secure and efficient invoice exchange. Concurrently, the government will want to yield a solution that is accessible and user-friendly for taxpayers. To this effect, the Polish government has been advancing new practices for taxpayers to facilitate the issuing and receipt of invoices via the Polish e-invoicing national platform, the KSeF.     The launch of a new mobile application is expected to accomplish this purpose and is expected to embark in Q1 2024. The application is presumed to serve as an efficient tool to help manage the mandate demands in an efficient and streamlined manner.      Kofax is supporting the upcoming Polish e-invoicing mandate. You can read more about the upcoming mandate on our dedicated country-specific page here    


  • Informationen zu Mandaten
FA(2) final publication & legislative process update The Polish XML schema, containing more than 300 fields, is undeniably more complex compared to its European XML equivalents. This complexity has predictably rendered itself to multiple versions of the schema. In June 2023, the Polish Ministry of Finance finally published the final version of the FA(2) logical structure for e-invoices.    No other modifications are planned before the mandatory KSeF comes into force on 1 July 2024.   Kofax is still awaiting final technical specifications regarding Poland’s e-invoicing mandate, but these are not materially expected to change the content of the FA(2) structure. While the legislative process regarding the same is expected to conclude by July 2023, final specification publication is expected slightly later, in Q4 2023. Kofax will analyse these once available and assess system impact.  The FA(2) structure is expected to replace the current FA(1) structure on the production environment as of 1 September 2023. In the KSeF test environment, it will be available from 1 July 2023 (in parallel with the currently used FA(1) until the end of August 2023).  Initial indications suggest that the final version of FA(2) does not differ significantly from the earlier, draft version of the FA(2) structure, published in late spring. Multiple wider Kofax teams have been analysing the FA(2), with a view to determine how we can support these fields.  Further information with respect to the FA(2) can be located on the Polish Ministry of Finance website:  Kofax is committed to supporting the upcoming e-invoicing mandate in Poland. You can read more about Poland’s e-invoicing mandate here. 


  • Informationen zu Mehrwertsteuer-/G(S)ST-Sätzen
Reduced VAT extension on food products While Poland’s reduced VAT rate for food products was initially projected to last until the middle of 2023, the Polish government has yet further extended this feature. This was initially extended in November 2022, as stated on the Polish Government Website.  The zero VAT rate for basic food products will now take effect until the end of 2023, once again re-affirming that EU Member States are compelled to extend fiscal policies to curb persistent inflation. In Poland specifically, inflation has reached an unwelcome high, reaching 18% in the first quarter of the year. Savings because of extending the reduced VAT rate are expected to be profound – amounting to c. PLN 5 billion, confirming that shifting VAT rates can have a sizeable and direct impact on consumer spending habits and savings.   The Ordinance relating to the VAT extension can be located here. 


  • Länder-Updates
Slim 3 – confirmation of ratification into law Aside from the critical upcoming e-invoicing mandate that Kofax is supporting, the Polish government is also in the process of consolidating several other fiscal initiatives under a single package.   The package, referred to as Slim 3, has now been signed into law. You can read more about Slim 3 and the measured contained within it on our dedicated country-specific page here. 


  • Länder-Updates
SLIM VAT 3 publication On 5 June 2023, the Polish government published an amendment to the Goods and Services Tax Act. Slim VAT 3 aims to simplify the tax process in Poland.     While VAT sanctions with regards to breaches against the package were set at fixed amounts, tax authorities will now exercise their discretion regarding sanctions- reducing or increasing these in line with the alleged offence.    You can read more about Poland’s SLIM 3 package here.   


  • Informationen zu Mandaten
New draft version of XML schema FA(2) The Polish schema has been subject to much scrutiny when the Polish e-invoicing mandate was announced. Given that it is based predominantly on the SAFT-reporting file in Poland, it contains many more fields than would typically be expected to be seen in an invoice, including numerous fields which unrelated to VAT, such as excise and customs information. Given this background, and as is typical practice for countries undergoing e-invoicing implementation, it is not surprising that the Polish schema would undergo some revisions.      On 23 May 2023, a new draft version of XML schema for the Polish e-invoice (FA2) was published on the webpage of the Ministry of Finance. The publication of the new schema will allow IT systems to adapt to the new changes in line with the new obligations. The final version of XML schema is set to be published in June 2023 and become binding for the issued and received e-invoices from 1 September 2023. This therefore includes the voluntary period of KSeF, which is expected to last until 1 July 2024.     The implementation curvature for FA(2) is expected to be in line with the following:   
  • 23 May 2023: the release of the new draft version of FA(2) logical structure   
  • June 2023: the new logical structure is expected to be officially published on ePUAP website  
  • July 2023: the test environment adapted to the new logical structure is expected to be rolled out, along with the relevant documentation  
  • 1 September 2023: the production environment supporting the new version of the FA(2) logical structure is expected to be released.  
 Therefore, from 1 September 2023, a new version of the FA(2) logical structure will be binding for the purposes of issuing e-invoices via KSeF and will effectively replace the FA(1) logical structure.   Changes in the draft of FA(2) compared to the FA(2) submitted for consultation in December 2022 along with the technical documentation have been published on the Ministry of Finance website, but yet are available in Polish only.    Kofax has defined the differences between the old and the new schema and is currently analysing these with a view as to what effect this will have on our e-invoicing implementation.   


  • Informationen zu Mandaten
Mandatory KSeF draft law submission to Sejm In Poland, the legislative process to accommodate the mandate is accelerating. On 9 May 2023, the Council of Ministers adopted a further draft amendment to the VAT Act. This draft was submitted to the Sejm on 17 May 2023 and published on the website.   The new version includes some changes to the previous draft released in mid-March. These can be summarised as follows:  
  • Technical correction of invoices- the new version provides a non-legislative solution for correcting invoice technical errors in the event of KSeF breakdown  
  • The QR codes, which are used to mark invoices outside KSeF, now serve a dual function. QR codes are used to enable verification of the data on the invoice but also now have an additional function: to access the invoice in the National e-Invoice System.   
  • A separate subchapter in the VAT Act concerning the marking with the KSeF ID or collective ID of payment for an invoice made between active VAT taxpayers, providing for, among others, setting the status of the invoice recipient on the White List.  
 We are still awaiting further clarity on the obligations relating to QR codes in Poland. Once the Polish Ministry of Finance has published further details in respect of this, we will assess how we can accommodate this as part of our e-invoicing solution.    The Act is in draft form only and further modifications may be enacted. Further consideration of the bill will be undertaken at the end of May.  


  • Informationen zu Mandaten
Draft legislation National e-invoice System adoption As the inception date for the Polish e-invoicing mandate (1 July 2024) edges closer, the government is accelerating its legislative framework to accommodate the mandate.    The government has now adopted the draft legislation to introduce a uniform e-invoicing standard in the country, which strives for increased automation, lower costs and enhanced processing.     The Polish Ministry of Finance publication provides further information of the same via the link below:   Poland is a compliant territory for Kofax and our compliance and research and development teams are currently working to facilitate the mandate. You can read more about Poland on our dedicated country-specific page located here.   


  • Weitere geltende Steuern
Single Use Plastic Directive If tax rate changes are also becoming more visible today, tax rate changes pertaining to a distinctly environmental agenda are also becoming a more integral feature in the regulatory framework across Europe. Poland is the latest country to mark a Single-use Plastic directive (SUP) as part of its wider fiscal infrastructure- which, as the name suggests, is motivated to prevent the use of single-use plastic. The rules are expected to have wide-reaching effects, with the Act effectively banning specific types of plastic on the market. In effect, a ‘plastic tax’ will be introduced for entities who sell single-use products to consumers. Fees for contravening these rules are expected. The Act is expected to take effect from 1 July 2024. Tungsten Network will review is obligations in respect of the tax. The Act has been passed in Parliament, and the president signed the law implementing the EU directive on single-use plastic in April 2023.


  • Länder-Updates
Slim 3 reforms Poland’s fiscal trajectory in 2022 was a busy one as it frequently altered its tax rates in an era of economic uncertainty. This, along with other fiscal initiatives, were condensed into a package what is known as the ‘SLIM’ package. Poland is currently in the midst of implementing ‘SLIM 3’. The SLIM 3 package was finally approved in March 2023- but its implementation date has now been delayed to July 2023. Slim 3, as expected, is extensive, covering the following issues:
  • The lack of need for an invoice to settle VAT
  • Further VAT exemptions
  • Further transparency with respect to VAT bindings
  • The option to transfer funds deposited in VAT accounts of VAT group members
  • Reduction of certain VAT penalties
SLIM 3 strives for the simplification of fiscal practices in the country, with the aim of creating a process that is streamlined, accessible and simple to facilitate. The Polish government has already referred to a SLIM 4 package, where known details in relation to the same are sparse. Tungsten Network will follow developments in relation to the same, ensuring that any VAT rate changes are incorporated as part of our e-invoicing solution.


  • Länder-Updates
Temporary introduction of the reverse charge Due to the introduction of the split payment mechanism in 2019, Poland has largely not made as much use of the reverse charge to the same extent as its European counterparts. However, Poland is now reversing this trend.  On a temporary basis, the reverse charge will be permitted on the following domestic transactions: 
  • Supplies of gas; 
  • Supplies of electricity; 
  • Provision of services for the transfer of greenhouse gas emissions allowances  
The changes are complex. Tungsten Network would recommend consulting a tax advisor for further information in respect of these changes if required.   The reverse charge is viewed as an effective measure to combat VAT fraud by essentially placing the responsibility to pay VAT on the buyer rather than the supplier. The VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA) proposal also has proposed some intriguing changes in respect of the reverse charge. You can read more about this, and the proposal in general, here. 


  • Informationen zu Mandaten
New e-invoicing draft legislation The Polish government has published new draft regulations relating to the National e-Invoicing System, also referred to as the Krajowy System e-Faktur (KSeF).  The draft regulations represent both a confirmation of the elements contained in the draft legislation published in December 2022, as well as some additional announcements.   The March 2023 draft legislation confirms the following (while being cognizant that these proposals are still in draft only): 
  • Obligatory KSeF obligations will commence from 1 July 2024 
  • B2C customers are excluded from KSeF obligations  
  • The legislation cites the possibility to issue e-invoices outside KSeF in cases where the taxpayer is unable to issue them in KSeF for any reason other than system failure, with the obligation to send them to KSeF no later than the next business day 
  • Transactions exempt from VAT, simplified invoices and invoices issued through cash registers will see their e-invoicing obligations via KSeF commence from 1 January 2025 
  • The extension of the ‘validity’ of the exchange rate on invoices issued in foreign currency has been discussed - impacted invoices should be sent to KSeF no later than the day after the date of issue 
  • The elimination of correction notes and correction invoice proposals has also been proposed in the draft legislation  
  • Sanctions will take effect from 1 January 2025 
  • A requirement to retain either the KSeF number or the collective identifier on the bank transfer for payments for invoices issued in KSeF is also included 
  • Clarification of the scope of the obligation of additional marking of structured invoices in case of their use outside KSeF, the event of KSeF failure, etc has also been provided 
  • Clarification has been provided that where a foreign taxpayer has a permanent place of business in Poland, but does not participate in the supply of goods / services for which the invoice was issued - these taxpayers are not obligated to issue invoices via KSeF 
  • Clarification that KSeF will also be used to accept structured invoices during the period of KSeF failure, system unavailability or inability to issue an invoice on the part of the taxpayer, is also included within the draft legislation.  
The link to the draft legislation can be accessed here.  We are expecting a final version of the legislation in the summer of 2023. Tungsten will analyse these once available and consider the effect these will have on our e-invoicing solution.    


  • Informationen zu Mandaten
National e-Invoice System (KSeF) – consultation conference With the e-invoicing mandate in Poland gaining ascendancy, the Polish Ministry of Finance held a conference in February 2023 to discuss the upcoming amendments to the draft law introducing mandatory e-invoicing in Poland. The legislative process for this draft law is still ongoing and is expected to be completed in the summer of 2023.   You can refer to our recent post on the anticipated Polish e-invoicing mandate changes here.    The above changes have not been enacted yet, but more information on the outcome of the discussion at the conference has been published on the website of the Polish Minister of Finance, with the link directly below:  Tungsten is looking forward to clarifying the finalised scope of the e-invoicing requirements in Poland. We will review these once available and consider any resulting impact on our system.   


  • Informationen zu Mehrwertsteuer-/G(S)ST-Sätzen
New SLIM 4 2024 package announced Poland is a compliant territory for Tungsten Network, and we regularly monitor tax rate changes in the country with a view to ensuring our solution supports valid VAT rates in the country. Tungsten recently commented on the anti-inflation shield 2.0 measures in Poland, established largely in response to rising inflation in the country. The measures within this included tax rate changes, which were constantly subject to fluctuation given the unpredictable economic position of both Poland and the wider European market.   Slim 4, a further set of tax measures, is similarly expected to churn further VAT compliance reforms in the country. No specific details as of yet have been announced as to the content of the package, but Tungsten will monitor any tax rate revisions that will be contained within it.  


  • Informationen zu Mehrwertsteuer-/G(S)ST-Sätzen
Revised tax rates The Polish government, via Ordinance No. 28048/2022, has introduced the following VAT modifications: 
  • The goods subject to 0% have now been altered; 
  • Specific goods subject to the 8% VAT rate, including those relating to soil fertiliser and soil product supply and acquisition, were due to have the 8% VAT rate expire as of 31 December 2024. For now, this VAT rate expiry date has been removed. 
  Please refer to the Ordinance for further details.  


  • Informationen zu Mandaten
E-invoicing mandate postponement in Poland The Polish e-invoicing guidelines published at the end of 2022 confirmed a start date of 1 January 2024 for the Polish e-invoicing mandate. The Polish Ministry of Finance has now confirmed a delay to the commencement of the e-invoicing mandate in Poland, to 1 July 2024. It appears that there will be changes introduced to the scope of e-invoicing in Poland, including the obligation for exempt taxpayers to use the KSeF e-invoicing platform from 1 January 2025, as well as potential obligations relating to cross-border transactions. We are expecting further details confirming the scope, alongside other changes, later this year. We will assess the new scope of the mandate, once confirmed, as well as any other changes introduced in the final publication of the changes and will be ready to support the new mandate in line with the revised timeframe of July 2024.


  • Länder-Updates
Public consultation of VAT group logical structure Poland permits the use of VAT groups in the country. Our previous post commented on how VAT groups typically operate and the relative advantages of using these. As the link shows, using VAT groups can provide taxpayers with several benefits.    On 29 December 2022, The Polish Ministry of Finance launched a public consultation on the new logical structure of internal records maintained by members of a VAT group.   The structure is key to VAT groups, who can use it to submit records of VAT-related activities undertaken by the group for monthly periods to the tax office from 1 July 2023.   Feedback will be reviewed once compiled and a logical structure released accordingly.  


  • Informationen zu Mehrwertsteuer-/G(S)ST-Sätzen
End of anti-inflation measures 2022 saw multiple countries deploy fiscal policies to reverse the adverse effects of inflation. While countries across Europe and globally continue to grapple with inflation, some countries are beginning to reverse their fiscal policies in this respect with a view to enhancing their economic position in 2023.  Tungsten has been following Poland’s anti-inflation measures closely for some months. Many of the fiscal changes enacted here ceased at the end of 2022.  This means that we can expect to see VAT rates return to their former rates, as seen prior to 1 February 2022, in line with the following: 
  • Natural gas: from 0% to 23% 
  • Electricity: from 5% to 23% 
  • System heat- from 5% to 23% 
  • Motor fuels- from 8% to 23% 
However, as mentioned, some limited measures will remain. For example, we communicated last month that the zero percentage on basic foods will remain in place in Poland.  


  • Informationen zu Mandaten
Draft regulations regarding the KSeF e-invoicing platform (mandate)  Tungsten has closely been following the e-invoicing mandate in Poland, as we look to support our suppliers and buyers in Poland with upcoming mandate in 2024.   The Polish government has published draft regulations relating to the upcoming e-invoicing mandate.   The draft regulations incorporate some significant details. Below is a high-level summary of the critical points contained within the Polish draft e-invoicing regulations: 
  • There is confirmation that the Polish e-invoicing mandate will commence on 1 January 2024. Tungsten will therefore work towards an implementation date of 1 January 2024 for the mandate and adapt our timeframes accordingly in line with any revised dates.  
  • e-Rechnungsstellung will also be is mandatory for foreign entities with fixed establishment in Poland.  
  • Penalties for failure to comply with the e-invoicing mandate are outlined in the draft regulations.  
  • The draft regulations include a new obligation to mark invoices circulated outside the KSeF environment with a QR code. 
  • A new type of document- the ‘correcting invoice proposal’ - is expected to coincide with the start of the e-invoicing mandate and would apply when buyers request an amended invoice from a supplier. 
  • A collective identifier must be applied when at least two invoices are issued to one recipient. 
  • Certain VAT taxpayers subject to special procedures will be exempt from e-invoicing.  
The proposed changes outlined in the draft regulations are complex and Tungsten is currently analysing what this means for upcoming e-invoicing mandate and our plans to support it. Approval of the draft regulations is expected in the first quarter of 2023. We will review the finalised version once available.  


  • Länder-Updates
Anti-inflation tax measures Tungsten has followed the anti-inflation measures deployed by the Polish government, which, as the name suggests, are a set of fiscal measures which serve as a direct response to rising inflation in Poland.   However, the proposed measures do underline the limitations of Member States in respect of some of the fiscal measures they can implement. The European Commission, for example, while agreeing to the zero-rating of basic foods as part of the package, has blocked the zero-rating of natural gas, fuels and fertilisers. This is owing to EU Directive rules, which cite that energy must be taxed to at least 5%.  While the basic foods rate was reduced to zero VAT early in 2022, it was initially envisaged that Poland would remove the zero VAT rate in January 2023. However, the Chancellery of the Prime Minister has confirmed on the Polish government website that the zero VAT rate on food products will continue until the middle of 2023.   With inflation still a primary concern for many European countries, we can expect to see multiple countries initiate similar measures over the coming months.  


  • Länder-Updates
Update to KSeF Taxpayer Applications On 20 October 2022, the Polish government released a test version of the KSeF Taxpayer Application. This test version incorporates elements of the feedback received during the testing period. The Application includes several functionalities, including:
  • Issuing and receiving invoices from KSeF
  • Viewing invoices
It is hoped that the updates incorporated to the Taxpayer Application will lead to a more efficient and less cumbersome process for taxpayers.        


  • Länder-Updates
KSeF and VAT groups We have recently communicated about VAT groups in Poland. Poland permits the formation of VAT groups. These are advantageous for many reasons- one such reason being that transactions between members of the same VAT group are not subject to VAT. Moreover, VAT groups have the added benefit of less VAT-related administrative obligations for members within the group. The designated representative of the group is typically assigned responsibility for these commitments.   Poland has established a draft law which considers VAT groups much more sharply in light of the upcoming Polish e-invoicing mandate. Much in the same way as a member of a VAT group is afforded responsibility to carry out other VAT-related obligations, a similar process will be conferred on a designated representative of a VAT group, which allows certain members rights to manage the B2B e-invoicing platform, the KSEF.   Tungsten will follow the publication of the draft law. 


  • Länder-Updates
Anti-inflationary shield 2.0 Poland introduced the anti-inflation package to reduce the VAT burden on taxpayers. We communicated last month these measures had been extended until 31st October 2022.  The Council of Minister has now extended the measures to the end of the year. 


  • Informationen zu Mehrwertsteuer-/G(S)ST-Sätzen
Extension of VAT rate reductions Anti-inflationary shield 2.0 was introduced to reduce the VAT on certain products and therefore reduce the burden on taxpayers considering recent inflation, which continues to spiral unabated across Europe. The initial timeline for the reduced VAT rates in Poland within this initiative was due to expire on 30 June 2022. This has now been extended to 31 October 2022.


  • Länder-Updates
Introduction of new VAT groups delayed The introduction of new VAT groups in Poland was expected to come into effect on 1st July 2022. However, there are indications that the applicable legislation will not be enacted in time. It is envisaged that the introduction of new VAT groups in Poland will now take place from January 2023. If so, this may affect the changes to the VAT-R form in Poland referred to below.


  • Informationen zu Mehrwertsteuer-/G(S)ST-Sätzen
New VAT-R form There have been some significant changes on the VAT-R form in Poland. The VAT-R is the form necessary to initiate VAT registration in Poland. Further to the two changes above, the form will now include the option to indicate that a particular taxpayer is part of a VAT group. The form also allows taxpayers to select whether financial services are taxed, or whether they are exempt from taxation. An English version of the form is also available. The new form came into effect from 1 July 2022. A transitional period has allowed taxpayers some flexibility and meant that the previous version could be used until 31 June 2022.


  • Informationen zu Mandaten
E-invoicing mandate delay Last month we communicated around the derogation granted to Poland by the European commission to mandate e-invoicing in the country. We expected the Polish mandate to be enforced through the course of 2023. The European Council has revised the date from which the derogation applies to 1st January 2024. This was approved by the European Council on 17 June 2022. This means Poland, at the earliest, can start mandating e-invoicing in the country from 1st January 2024. The derogation is effective until 31 March 2026. The legislation has now been published in the official Journal of the EU Union and the derogation is not legally binding. Tungsten Network is preparing to be ready for the Polish mandate and we will continue to update you on our progress.


  • Informationen zu Mandaten
Derogation from European Commission to mandate e-invoicing Poland has now received the derogation from the European Commission to mandate e-invoicing in the country. The derogation is required by each EU Member State if they wish to mandate e-invoicing in their respective country, as formal permission is needed to deviate from the right to receive an invoice in paper format (as per the EU Council Directive 2006/112/EC of 28 November 2006). This effectively means that Poland can now implement mandatory e-invoicing in the country. E-invoicing in Poland is expected to be enforced from April 2023. A firm date has not yet been set. Tungsten Network will communicate when a firmer date is communicated.


  • Länder-Updates
VAT assistance to Ukraine The past 2 years have demonstrated a direct correlation between significant world events and the fiscal measures countries enact. This has been particularly notable with the coronavirus pandemic but is also becoming more apparent with recent events in Ukraine. We’ve previously seen countries such as Romania taking measures to ensure that all goods and services provided to persons affected by the war will not be subject to VAT. Poland is adopting multiple similar measures. The Polish National foundation of Tax Advisors has stressed that no public associations will benefit from any tax relief on aid from Ukraine. Poland is also considering the revision of a current decree, which would mean a 0% VAT rate would be applied to free-of charge deliveries of goods (or a supply of services) which would be aimed at assisting victims of Ukraine’s armed conflict. This would affect all deliveries / supplies made between 24 February 2022 and 30 June 2022, if approved by the Polish Parliament. We can expect to see many countries adopting similar measures, particularly bordering countries in close proximity to the conflict.


  • Länder-Updates
Taxation of financial services The Polish Ministry of Finance has permitted the taxation of any financial services that businesses provide from 1st January 2022. The main effect of this is that many businesses will be able to deduct VAT from goods / services purchased, thus providing a financial benefit. Taxation of financial services is optional rather than mandatory. Financial services for retail clients are still exempt- meaning that any consumers should not see an increase in prices.


  • Informationen zu Mandaten
Extension for split payment mechanism Poland introduced the split payment mechanism in 2019. The split payment mechanism is where VAT is not paid together with the net amount into the applicable bank account. Rather, the VAT is placed into a separate dedicated bank account for the VAT. In November 2019, Tungsten Network enabled a feature allowing suppliers to indicate whether the invoice is subject to the split payment mechanism in Poland. The European Commission had granted Poland the right to mandate split payments until the end of February 2022. However, the European Commission has granted permission to extend the split payment mechanism beyond 1st March 2022, for a period of 3 years. In many respects, the split payment mechanism has the same underlying aims as the upcoming Polish e-invoicing mandate- to reduce the VAT gap, as the mechanism provides a means of certainty that the VAT has been paid. The extension of the split payment mechanism therefore serves to further reduce the VAT gap in Poland.


  • Länder-Updates
Introduction of Polish VAT groups With the upcoming e-invoicing mandate expected during 2023 and new recent SAFT-requirements, Poland is overseeing a busy period in the re-structuring of its fiscal operations. Another significant change being introduced in Poland is the introduction of new VAT groups. Poland will permit the formation of VAT groups in Poland- these are groups which will typically be formed based on financial, economic or organisational ties. Taxpayers can be based in Poland or abroad- but if the latter, it is expected that they will conduct their business through a branch in Poland. Groups must be formed for a minimum of 3 years. A representative of the group will perform any VAT- related responsibilities. Any transactions between the members of the same VAT group will not be subject to VAT- although transactions with entities outside the VAT group will in effect be deemed to be transactions with the entire group. This comes with some benefits- transactions between members of the same group will not be subject to VAT and the corollary of reduced administrative-related duties relating to VAT. These regulations are expected to come into effect on 1 July 2022.


  • Länder-Updates
Publication of new version of the JPK FA structure The Polish Ministry of Finance has this month published the new JPK_FA structure. Alongside the new structure, an information brochure has been published, outlining the main changes that have been introduced. The new structure can be located on the Polish National Tax Administration website.


  • Informationen zu Mandaten
Regulation of e-invoicing

E-invoicing in Poland became voluntary towards the end of 2021. To this effect, the Polish government has published a regulation on the use of the e-invoicing system. This regulation deals with several practical and logistical issues, including
• Authorisation required to use the National System of e-invoices;
• How authorisations can be granted, changed or withdrawn;
• How to authenticate entities using the National System;
• Structured invoice data, which will enable access to the invoice in the system
The link for this regulation can be found here.
While Tungsten Network is not supporting the voluntary phase, we are fully committed to supporting e-invoicing in Poland, when it is expected to become mandatory at a later date in 2023, which is yet to be confirmed.


  • Informationen zu Mehrwertsteuer-/G(S)ST-Sätzen
Reduction in VAT rates for food and energy

There is a recurring trend across Europe this winter as energy, electricity and heating VAT rates come more sharply into focus- a response to rising inflation on the continent, as well as the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Poland is no exception to this and the Sejm- the Polish Parliament- has responded to rising inflation with proposals to amend the VAT Act. These measures are part of a programme referred to as ‘anti-inflation shield 2.0’, which, as the name suggests, is a direct response to rising inflation in Poland.
• Basic food and beverages currently subject to the 5% VAT rate will be subject to 0% VAT;
• Goods used to drive internal combustion engines (diesel oil, biocomponents constituting self-contained fuels, motor gasoline, natural gas (wet), liquefied LPG) – currently subject to the 23% VAT rate – will be taxed at the 8% VAT rate;
• Fertilizers, plant protection chemicals, horticultural soil and other means of supporting agricultural production – currently subject to the 8% VAT rate – will be taxed at 0% VAT;
• Natural gas (CN 2711 11 00 or 2711 21 00) – will be taxed at 0% VAT;
• Electricity (CN 2716 00 00) – will be subject to VAT 5%;
• Heat energy – will be subject to VAT 5%.
Tungsten Network’s portal accommodates these rates.


  • Länder-Updates
New JPK EWP structure published

The JPK is a set of data which is generated from a business’ IT system. This usually contains information about business operations for a set period of time. In Poland, this is only sent in electronic form and has a very specific layout. It allows the exchange of important information between businesses and tax authorities.
A new version of the JPK was published on 1st January 2022. Inevitably businesses will need to adapt to the new version- and this will take time. To this effect, the tax authorities have indicated they will not demand the new version – JKP_EWP (3) until April 2022.
The new version accommodates two new tax rates (12% and 14%), which have been added to the optional list node.
The new version can be found on the National Tax Administration website.


  • Informationen zu Mandaten
Logical structure of e-invoices published

The e-invoice logical structure is now available on the Central Repository of Electronic Document patterns on the ePUAP platform. This covers the following changes:

  • descriptions of member country codes and currency codes
  • the definition of the TAdres element, including adding a new TGLN type
  • adding the TZnakowy20 element
  • TNumerKSeF element definition
  • the definition of selected character elements to the integer type
  • entering the maximum number of occurrences of some elements, eg Transport, Shipment by update of descriptions of some elements, eg P_15, P_18A adding new grouping elements, e.g. Partial Payments, PlanDates, Agreements, Orders.

These are applicable from 1 January 2022. Note that the use of e-invoicing in Poland will remain voluntary until 01/01/2023.


  • Informationen zu Mehrwertsteuer-/G(S)ST-Sätzen
Greater independence to decide VAT rates

Poland has recently announced it will be able to select its own VAT rates. There is a wait for this to be adopted but this is believed to be a formality only. This may result in several VAT rate changes in Poland. Tungsten has a big customer base in Poland and will ensure that any appropriate action is taken to implement any new tax rates.

We are very closely monitoring developments in Poland – on the back of some recent political unrest in the country, it is expected that there may be some significant changes upcoming in 2022 – we will keep you updated.


  • Informationen zu Mandaten
Law regarding structured invoices

Poland has passed a law regarding structured invoices.
This means that from 1st January 2022 the use of structured invoices will be voluntary. This may potentially become mandatory from January 2023.


  • Informationen zu Mandaten
National System of e-Invoices (KSeF)

We have previously written about the voluntary phase of the e-invoicing mandate in Poland, which is scheduled to start in January 2022. It is on course to become mandatory in January 2023.
The Polish Ministry of Finance has now started a pilot of the KSef, the Polish e-invoicing platform, and has invited any entities that develop invoicing software to test it. There is no official application process for this. All invoices issued during this pilot will be regarded as tests and have no legal effect.
Access to this trial version can be found via this link.


  • Informationen zu Mehrwertsteuer-/G(S)ST-Sätzen
JPK VAT structure

The JPK VAT file is a collection of data based on the information in a taxpayer’s IT systems needed for SAF-T reporting. This provides information around business operations for a given period of time. A new version of the JPK-VAT logical structure will apply from 1st January 2022. 

The new JPK-VAT is a periodic filing document which combines the current JPK-VAT file, and monthly and quarterly VAT returns within one document. The Polish Ministry of Finance has been developing the draft version following tax consultations with entrepreneurs.  

This updated structure can be found via the following link: 

The updated structure will include all changes that enter into force during the period 1st July 2021-1st January 2022.  


  • Informationen zu Mandaten
Postponement of voluntary mandate phase

The voluntary phase of the Polish national e-invoicing mandate has been delayed until January 2022. It was originally scheduled to be implemented in October 2021.


  • Informationen zu Mandaten
Draft version of e-invoice logical structure available

With the voluntary phase of the mandate fast approaching in January 2022, the Polish Ministry of Finance has published some new documentation.

This includes the draft version of the e-invoicing structure and a sample invoice, which can be found on the Polish Ministry of Finance website:


  • Informationen zu Mandaten
Schnelle Fortschritte beim Programm „Strukturierte Rechnungen“

Polen behauptet seit einiger Zeit, dass es die stufenlose Steuerkontrollverordnung vor Frankreich umsetzen würde. Das Land scheint dabei gute Fortschritte zu machen.

Das Polnische Legislative Center der Regierung hat einen Gesetzesentwurf veröffentlicht, welches eine Änderung des Mehrwertsteuergesetzes und die Einführung eines Modells „strukturierter Rechnungen“ im lokalen Mehrwertsteuersystem vorsieht. Der Gesetzesentwurf steht im Februar für einen sehr kurzen Zeitraum zur öffentlichen Konsultation zur Verfügung. Es wird erwartet, dass das Gesetz zum 1. Oktober 2021 in Kraft tritt. Zu beachten ist, dass die Ausstellung und der Empfang von Rechnungen über die nationale E-Invoicing-Plattform (Krajowy System e-Faktur (KSeF) oder National E-Invoicing System (NeIS)) zunächst freiwillig ist und die Unternehmen weiterhin die bisherigen Formate verwenden können, einschließlich Papier, PDF und andere E-Invoicing-Formate. Allerdings belohnt die Regierung eine frühzeitige Anpassung mit einer schnelleren Bearbeitung der Umsatzsteuererklärungen. Das System soll bis 2023 verpflichtend werden.

HINWEIS: Das polnische KSeF-System ähnelt stark dem italienischen Sistema di Interscambio – die Ausstellung und der Erhalt von Rechnungen finden auf der Plattform statt, und eine Archivierungsfunktion ist über das System verfügbar.

Beachten Sie, dass der Gesetzesentwurf Raum lässt, um eine detailliertere Verordnung durch Ministerialerlass hinzuzufügen.


  • Länder-Updates
Poland and Brexit – waiver of requirement of fiscal representative for the UK and Norway 

Das polnische Finanzministerium hat am 12. Februar einen Entwurf für ein Steuergesetz veröffentlicht, nach dem Unternehmen mit Sitz im Vereinigten Königreich und Norwegen nicht verpflichtet sind, eine steuerliche Vertretung in Polen zu bestellen.

Diese wichtige Entscheidung ist hauptsächlich das Ergebnis entsprechender Abkommen über gegenseitige Unterstützung zwischen den Ländern. Diese Abkommen regeln die administrative Kooperation und Zusammenarbeit bei der Bekämpfung des Mehrwertsteuerbetrugs.Das Gesetz tritt rückwirkend mit Wirkung zum 1. Januar 2021 in Kraft.


  • Informationen zu Mandaten
Implementierung von elektronischen Rechnungen über die nationale KSeF-Plattform

Das polnische Finanzministerium (Ministerstwo Finansów, MF) möchte die Mehrwertsteuerverordnung anpassen, indem die Übermittlung von elektronischen Rechnungen über die nationale KSeF-Plattform ermöglicht werden soll – parallel zur Nutzung der aktuellen Papier- und E-Rechnungen. Zusätzlich zu den Vorteilen für Unternehmen, die die elektronische Rechnungsstellung mit sich bringt (wie Kostensenkung, mehr Transparenz und kürzere Zahlungszyklen), soll es weitere Vorteile für den Steuerzahler geben, wie zum Beispiel die Fristverkürzung für Mehrwertsteuererstattungen von 60 auf 45 Tage. Das Projekt soll im ersten Quartal 2021 starten. Die verpflichtende Verwendung des Systems ist allerdings wohl erst für den späteren Verlauf von 2022 geplant.


  • Informationen zu Mandaten
Polen: volle Kraft voraus mit B2B-Rechnungsfreigabe

Das polnische Finanzministerium plant die Einführung eines Mandats zur B2B-Umsatzsteuer-Rechnungsfreigabe (ähnlich dem italienischen SdI-Modell). Es wird spätestens 2022 erwartet, wobei in einigen Quellen von einer Umsetzung Mitte 2021 die Rede ist.

Mehr lesen


  • Informationen zu Mandaten
Polen nähert sich der Frist für die elektronische B2G-Rechnungsstellung im November

Polen geht den nächsten Schritt bei der Einführung einer nationalen digitalen Plattform, die seine wichtigsten öffentlichen Dienste mit der Einführung der obligatorischen elektronischen Rechnungsstellung für B2G-Transaktionen unterstützt.


  • Länder-Updates
Polen verschiebt Umsetzung der Mehrwertsteueränderungen auf Juli 2018

Wesentliche Veränderungen am Mehrwertsteuergesetz sollten ab dem 1. Januar 2018 in Kraft treten. Jedoch wurde dies auf Juli 2018 verschoben.